Pole do popisu

Inspiration to explore


For Grupa Producentów Warzyw Primavega (The Primavega Vegetable-Producers Group Sp. z o.o.), we carried out an in-depth diagnostic, strategic and design process, resulting in the creation of a new brand of lettuce – Pole do Popisu.


When it comes to green vegetables, customers make purchasing decisions based on their assessment of product freshness. They spend a maximum of 15 seconds at the store shelf and leave with the best-looking produce. In general, they do not pay attention to brands. But we saw it as a challenge and decided to look for a way to build their relationship with the producer.


We proposed a comprehensive process consisting of three stages. The first stage involved exploring consumer needs and behaviours. We conducted 80 interviews at the store shelf, carried out 8 home visits and individual, in-depth conversations. The selected clients also kept records on their daily use of lettuce. Additionally, we made several store visits to familiarise ourselves with the presentation and display of green vegetables. We conducted an analysis of foreign benchmarks, a semiotic analysis of category codes, and a series of interviews with PrimaVega representatives.

The second stage involved developing a strategic concept of the brand and preparing a positioning statement. We characterised the target groups and gained an understanding of their motivations. We developed the brand character and prepared a list of physical attributes to be used in branding. We also established communication frameworks and guidelines.

Then it was time for design. Thanks to the work done earlier, we knew that the brand needed to inspire to explore new flavours, motivate to serve more interesting dishes, and act as a guide to the culinary world. Hence the idea for the name Pole do Popisu (Field for Success). Along with it came the visual elements – distinctive colour stripes symbolising fields seen from a bird’s eye view, and a clear label under which you can see fresh lettuce. We also took care of the brand’s narrative. The names of the subsequent products include specific flavour names, and culinary inspirations are also included on the packaging.

To examine the effects of our work, we developed a proprietary method of testing ideas called ICL (Iteration Consumer Lab). We applied shelf tests using the VA (Visual Availability) methodology, followed by shelf tests using response time measurements – IAT. All of this was done to ensure that PrimaVega can be confident that the packaging we designed is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also convincing to consumers.


As a result of the comprehensive process, we have created a new brand thanks to an in-depth understanding of category and consumer needs, which is reflected in the research reports we prepared. The all-encompassing strategy allows the brand to improve its position in the competitive market of green vegetables. Just like the eye-catching and research-driven design.

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